Wednesday 23 October 2013

Our Trip to Hong Kong

Our Hong Kong trip was a good trip. I got to meet the rest of my hubby family and I got to see some new and old places in Hong Kong

We went to see the Big Buddha (Tian Tan Buddha) I was excited to see it since it was my first time but we decide to be adventurist and hike up...bad idea (◕︵◕) it was super humid and took us 4 hours to get up. So my not hike up in summer and also make sure you are in shape (out of shape since I haven't done any hiking in a long time) But overall interesting experience, my first time hiking in Hong Kong.  It was a foggy day but cleared up a bit and I was able to get some good pictures (。◕‿◕。)

We went to The Peak, it is where you can get a topside view of Hong Kong. We took a taxi up since the line up for the Peak Tram was long and we didn't want to wait

This was my 2nd time at The Peak. I went there with my family on my first visit to Hong Kong. But new discovery there is a trail (thanks to my friend who showed us) so we walked around the trail. There are residential houses along the path

We took Peak Tram was really packed but we got in..just standing up during the slope-y ride down

We went to Victoria Harbour a few times. You can see Hong Kong City on the other side

Also there is a light show called Symphony of Lights every night...very awesome. My second time seeing the show. I saw it last time on a boat in the Harbour

My friend took us on a tram ride in Hong Kong City. For a few cents you can take a ride around Hong Kong City. It was a very interesting and fun experience

My hubby took me to the goldfish market and the his favorite bird garden

We went to the Temple Street Night Market. And my hubby showed me a garden/park in the middle of the big city called Kowloon Park

We had a good time in Hong Kong. This was my longest stay in Hong Kong and I got to see a lot. Hong Kong is a nice place to visit and we will probably be back again to visit my hubby's family again in the future

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