Wednesday 8 January 2014

2014 a new start hopefully....

It is already 2014...haven’t posted anything in a long bad...but I'm so glad 2013 is was such a bitter sweet year. I married the love of my to travel...purchased our first home...happy times (⌒▽⌒) but I also lost my job (ᗒᗣᗕ) which was a very BIG blow to me...also not being able to find a job...very depressing times (;一_一) which I am still living through at this moment but a little better now. I do have a part time job...but i’m still looking for a full time job. I really hope that 2014 will bring with it a better job...that pays enough that we can live comfortably without stressing about money...seems to be a reoccurring thing for problems (一_一) I must stay positive!! I hope everybody will have a Happy 2014!!!